First Aid Training Pack by WNL Products

Part #: 1200FAK
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First Aid Training Pack by WNL Products
  • Kit
  • Emergency Blanket Package
  • Emergency Blanket
  • Epi-Pen Trainer
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First Aid Training Pack by WNL Products

This compact kit is perfect for training students who are participating in an AHA Heartsaver® first aid training course. Each kit contains an emergency/survival blanket, an EpiPen® Trainer, 25  4" x 4" surgical sponges, and 2 rolls of 4" stretch gauze bandages.

The First Aid Training Pack features gauze and sponges for practicing bleeding and wound care, an EpiPen trainer for learning the proper technique for administering epinephrine in an emergency situation like anaphylaxis from food allergies or insect stings. There is also an emergency blanket so students can practice how to handle a situation where the victims succumb to shock.

This affordable and convenient kit combines the essential supplies to supplement the Heartsaver first aid training course.

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