Life/form Lubricant - 6 pk, 2 oz Bottles

Part #: LF00985U
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Life/form Lubricant - 6 pk, 2 oz Bottles
Life/form Lubricant - 6 pk, 2 oz Bottles
  • Life/form Lubricant - 6 pk, 2 oz Bottles
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Life/form® Lubricant. Pkg. of 6. For use with Life/form® Heart Catheterization Simulator (LF01012U); Life/form® Spinal Injection Simulator (LF01036U); Life/form® Female Catheterization Simulator (LF00856U); Life/form® Male Catheterization Simulator (LF00855U); Life/form® Prostate Examination Simulator (LF00901U); and Life/form® Pelvic Examination Simulators (LF01060U, LF01061U, LF01062U). 

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