Life/form Keri Complete Nursing Skills Manikin

Part #: LF04
Simulate 35 Different Patient Care Procedures
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Life/form Keri Complete Nursing Skills Manikin
Light Skin Package
  • Light Skin Package
  • Light Skin Manikin
  • Light Skin Face
  • Instruction Manual
  • Medium Skin Package
  • Medium Skin Manikin
  • Medium Skin Face
  • Instruction Manual


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Life/form® molding and modeling techniques give KERiā„¢ a realistic appearance as a woman, or as a man when the wig is removed. The unique visual features reinforce the importance of inspecting patients and noting changes in their appearance. All joints provide lifelike range of motion not found in other manikins. 
Life/form® simulations have been included to allow the practice of more than 35 patient care procedures. Perfect for all OBRA required training. Full five-year warranty.

Visual Inspection Features:
ā€¢ Decubitus Sacral Ulcer - Stage 1
ā€¢ Dilated Pupil and Cancerous Mole Comparison
ā€¢ Reddened Skin Folds
Superior Range of Motion:
ā€¢ TRUNK - Rotation, Hyperextension
ā€¢ NECK - Rotation, Hyperextension, Lateral Flexion
ā€¢ SHOULDER AND HIP - Abduction, Adduction, Rotation, Hyperextension
ā€¢ ELBOW - Extension, Flexion, Pronation, Supination
ā€¢ KNEE - Extension, Flexion
ā€¢ WRIST - Flexion, Hyperextension, Radial Flexion, Ulnar Flexion
ā€¢ ANKLE - Eversion, Inversion, Dorsiflexion, Plantarflexion
ā€¢ FINGERS AND TOES - Abduction, Adduction, Flexion (soft, lifelike material)
ā€¢ Bandaging and Wound Dressing
ā€¢ Bed Baths
ā€¢ Clothing Changes
ā€¢ Denture Removal (Upper and Lower)
ā€¢ Enema Administration (Female)
ā€¢ Eye Irrigation
ā€¢ Finger and Toe Bandaging - Flexible and Individually Molded
ā€¢ Gastrostomy Care, Lavage, Gavage
ā€¢ Hair care - washing, combing
ā€¢ Hearing Aid Removal and Insertion Techniques
ā€¢ Intramuscular Injection Sites (Arms, Thigh, Buttock)
ā€¢ Optional Blood Pressure and IV Arm Attachments
ā€¢ Oral and Nasal Lavage, Gavage, and Suctioning
ā€¢ Oral Hygiene
ā€¢ Ostomy Care - Ileostomy and Colostomy Lavage and Suctioning
ā€¢ Pap Smears and Douching
ā€¢ Patient Positioning and Transfer Techniques
ā€¢ Placement of Nasogastric Tubes
ā€¢ Prostate Exam, Stage B, Male
ā€¢ Tracheostomy Care - Lavage and Suctioning
ā€¢ Urinary Catheterization (Female and Uncircumcised Male)
KERi is available in light or medium skin tones. Make your skin tone selection by using the drop-down window above. Manikin meausres approximately 58", weighs approximately 28 lbs.

Alternate Part Number(s): AB-2400, LF04020U, LF04121U

This manikin is wonderful! What a great tool for teaching! Our facility is very happy with our order.
Reviewed by:  (Verified Buyer)  Janie Schill from North Dakota on 2/10/2022

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