Laerdal Newborn Anne Training Manikin

Part #: 220-25050
Full-body neonatal resuscitaion skills training manikin
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Laerdal Newborn Anne Training Manikin
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  • Manikin
  • Tube
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  • Clamp
  • Syringe

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Introducing Laerdal's Newborn Anne, their latest neonatal resuscitaion skill training manikin. The anatomical accuracy and available accessories allow for training of the Neonatal Resuscitaion Program's key components.
Newborn Anne's design focus is to facilitate training in the skills needed in the first 10 minutes of a newborn's life. Neonatal resuscitaion skills can be taught individually or in combination with other skills.
The airway features a design that allows training on all aspects of newborn airway management, such as positive-pressure airway devices, placement of ET Tubes and LMAs. There is a functionality to relieve a pneumothorax using needle decompression. The umbilicus features a manullay generated pulse that can be assessed, cut, and catheterized for IV access. There is also IO access in both legs.

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