LiveSafer Modular Cabinet System

Part #: EN1000
A modular system to store your AED along with other emergency necessities.
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LiveSafer Modular Cabinet System
LiveSafer Plus (AED NOT Included)
  • LiveSafer Plus (AED NOT Included)
  • LifeSafer 5
  • LiveSafer XL (AED NOT Included)


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AED Cabinets have already become a fixture in many facilities. There is also significant activity with the addition of EpiPens, Narcan, and Stop The Bleed Kits to hallways in facilities such as schools and public buildings. While the movement towards being prepared for a multitude of possible emergencies is understandable, this also presents a storage problem. The reality is you don't want a wall full of cabinets and cases. There comes a point where you'll want to consolidate the various items into a single storage fixture. The LiveSafer system is based on the idea that there is a simultaneous need for both General First Aid and very specific supplies for life-threatening emergencies, such as Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Anaphylaxis, Opioid Overdose, Choking, Severe Bleeding, and Asthma Attacks. Allergy Emergency Kits has come up with a solution that really works: A Modular Cabinet System.

Product Features:
  • These cabinets will fit most AEDs so they can replace your existing AED cabinet. If you already have an AED Cabinet you may hang this cabinet next to it so you have room to fit more into this cabinet as particular needs develop.
  • The LiveSafer system is a cabinet you can grow into. It can be used for one item or the maximum number of modules.
  • One critical factor of this strategy would be keeping supplies and/or devices for each incident type separate because they are not generally needed simultaneously. That can be accomplished with this modular system.
  • The hook and loop back panel allows for the positioning of cases for maximum visibility and conservation of space.
  • These cabinets allow anyone to "grab and go" to the location of the emergency—no need for carrying armfuls of kits or making multiple trips for something forgotten.
  • Included is a large, laminated instruction sheet for each emergency situation.
  • You can also keep General First Aid Supplies in these cabinets. In fact, it is recommended to do so. They're often missing from public areas in large facilities.
  • These cabinets include mounting hardware, a thumb turn knob, a door alarm, and an acrylic window.
  • EN10000 - 4 inner cases, fits AEDs up to 5" thick. 17"x26"x5.5", 20lbs.
  • EN10001 - 5 inner cases, fits AEDs up to 5.5" thick. 17"x17"x6", 15lbs.
  • EN10003 - 7 inner cases, fits AEDs up to 6.5" thick. 17"x26"x7", 25lbs.

Alternate Part Number(s):
EN10000, EN10001N, EN10003

Subtotal: $0

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