AHA 2015 Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens Online Key Code

Part #: 15-1405
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AHA 2015 Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens Online Key Code
This product is non-returnable, non-refundable. Access codes will be emailed within 24 hours of orders placed between 730am-530pm CST Monday-Friday. If an order is placed on Friday after 5 pm CST, the code will be emailed Monday morning.
  • <B><font color=red>This product is non-returnable, non-refundable. Access codes will be emailed within 24 hours of orders placed between 730am-530pm CST Monday-Friday. If an order is placed on Friday after 5 pm CST, the code will be emailed Monday morning.</B></font>


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This product is non-returnable, non-refundable. Access codes will be emailed within 24 hours of orders placed between 730am-530pm CST Monday-Friday. If an order is placed on Friday after 5 pm CST, the code will be emailed Monday morning.

Heartsaver® Bloodborne Pathogens Online Key Code.  Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens Online teaches employees how to protect themselves and others from being exposed to blood or blood-containing materials. This course is designed to meet OSHA requirements for bloodborne pathogens training when paired with site-specific instruction. This course provides students with the convenience of completing the course at their own pace wherever they have access to the Internet. It includes interactive exercises and videos to engage students and provide periodic points of knowledge transference, along with audio and transcript for students who may have a hearing or visual disability, and much more. The online portion can be completed approximately 1 hour.

You must provide an e-mail address when ordering this product. A code key and instructional information will be sent to you in order to activate the course online. Shipping and handling fees will be removed when the order is processed. Tech requirements are available at https://www.onlineaha.org/technical_requirements. Codes will be emailed within 24 hours when orders are placed.

Alternate Part Number(s): 978-1-61669-445-6, 9781616694456

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