Smart Tactical Application Tourniquet - S.T.A.T on Carabiner w/MCI Ring

Part #: 17-0012
Mass Casulaty Rapid Deployment System
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Smart Tactical Application Tourniquet - S.T.A.T on Carabiner w/MCI Ring
Smart Tactical Application Tourniquet - S.T.A.T on Carabiner w/MCI Ring
  • Smart Tactical Application Tourniquet - S.T.A.T on Carabiner w/MCI Ring



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This is the Mass Casualty Incident deployment system which features 25 S.T.A.T. Tourniquets loaded onto a ring attached to a carabiner which can be stored anywhere for easy access. Each tourniquet features a pull tab for easy removal from the ring in the event of a natural disaster, active shooter, or other mass casualty incidents.

S.T.A.T is a unique tourniquet featuring simple and rapid application which makes it highly effective for deployment in bleeding control emergencies. S.T.A.T. is the only tourniquet currently on the market with an automatic counting timer that requires no batteries and the tourniquet can be applied in 5 seconds by a person with no experience in Mass Casualty Incidents (MCI).

Features include:
  • Timer - Timestrip timer starts counting once activated ( No Batteries required).
  • Precision Tightening - Tighten in 2 millimeters increments.
  • Visible Instructions - Familiar intuitive design that anyone can apply without prior training.
  • Releasable Lever - Highly visible release lever used to remove tourniquet once victim arrives for surgery.
  • Locking mechanism - Automatic self-locking mechanism.
  • Bullet Resistant - Proprietary bullet resistant material, tourniquet re-seals itself after being shot with a Bullet.
  • Safety Release Cover - Safety for release lever so tourniquet doesn't release during transport.
  • Finger Loop - Allows for extra grip while applying.
  • Tourniquet can be used on adult, pediatric, and canine limbs as small as 20mm diameter.

Available in highly-visible neon lime, tactical black, safety orange, and training blue. Select color desired by using the drop-down window above. Not made with natural rubber latex.

Alternate Part Number(s): 17-00125, 17-00126, 17-00127, 17-00128

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