LUCAS 3 Chest Compression System

Part #: 99576-000063
Latest version of the LUCAS Chest Compression Systems
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LUCAS 3 Chest Compression System
Lucas 3
  • Lucas 3
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  • Inside Carry Case
  • Suction Cup
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LUCAS® 3.1 Chest Compression System by Physio-Control

LUCAS chest compression systems have been assisting lifesaving efforts around the world, delivering high-quality, guidelines-consistent compressions in the field, during transport, and in the hospital.

With over 12 years of clinical experience, we proudly present the third generation LUCAS device, built on the LUCAS legacy. The LUCAS 3 chest compression system has improved features to facilitate maintenance and handling and allows for new insights through easy, wireless access to device data.
Effective chest compressions are essential when performing CPR. Uninterrupted compressions and complete chest rebound are the keys to improving the flow of oxygenated blood to vital organs, thus improving the chances for survival.
However, as any rescuer can attest, performing manual CPR can be difficult and exhausting. Often, compressions become shallower and the pace may slow as the rescuer begins to fatigue. It is often necessary to switch rescuers performing compressions. During a rescue, there are many tasks to perform in addition to CPR. Resources are pushed to the limit, and seconds are precious.
The LUCAS 3.1 Chest Compression System has been designed to deliver uninterrupted chest compressions at a consistent rate and depth, whether in the field, during transport, and throughout the hospital. It also frees up the rescuers from chest compressions, allowing them to attend to other critical issues.
LUCAS 3.1 is lightweight, portable, easy-to-use, and will deliver guidelines-consistent chest compressions at a rate of 100 compressions per minute at a depth of at least 2 inches. It will also allow for complete chest wall recoil after each compression. LUCAS ensures rescuer safety during patient transport, as there is no need to have an unsecured person performing CPR in the vehicle.
LUCAS 3.1 can operate for up to 45 minutes on its rechargeable battery, which can recharge in under 4 hours. There is also a power option for 120V A/C.
LUCAS 3.1 ships with one rechargeable lithium polymer battery, patient straps, back plate, two suction cups, hard-shell carrying case, and instructions for use.

Please note: LUCAS 3.1 accessories are available at AED Superstore.

Alternate Part Number(s): 99576-000043, 99576-000063

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