Nasco Chester Chest

Part #: SB18636U
Training Aid for Vascular Access, External & Peripheral Catheters
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Nasco Chester Chest
Nasco Chester Chest
  • Nasco Chester Chest
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Chester Chest is a unique teaching and training tool that enables clinicians and others to develop complete competence using the most common types of long-term vascular access routes in one simple, compact, portable training aid. Great for training, competency testing, and skills assessment. Physicians, nurses, home health staff, patients, and support persons find Chester Chest a most efficient, time-saving, visual, and true-to-life aid in the teaching of implantable vascular access devices, external central catheters, and peripherally placed central catheters. Access routes allow the trainee to practice blood withdrawal, heparinization, and fluid infusion.

This lifelike model of a human torso is the only teaching aid that offers a tactile sensation that is incredibly realistic when palpating the location of implanted imports. This has been achieved through a unique tissue-like material duplicating the feel of human tissue. The areas around all the device sites can be used to practice cleansing, application of dressings and securement devices.

Chester Chest can be used in either an upright or supine position. Each unit is provided with a pre-positioned, surgically placed central catheter and peripherally placed central catheter. All the catheters are attached to a simulated 'blood' reservoir bag in the arm to permit the practice of 'blood' withdrawal and fluid infusion. Cleansing, application of dressings, and securement devices can be demonstrated on all three catheters.

The right chest area has a 9.6 FR tunneled central catheter that is visible up to the clavicle. The Dacron cuff is also discernible. The external jugular vein is slightly raised with an opening for you to attach your own catheter. There is also an opening for a subclavian catheter.

The left chest area is a five-piece unit consisting of: a real implanted port under the chest tissue flap, a rigid underlying surface with molded ribs, and a recessed area for the interchangeable Difficult Accessing Inserts, and three Difficult Accessing Inserts.

The artificial blood provides confirmation of proper needle location when 'blood' is aspirated - just like the real thing! Heparinization and fluid infusion can be practiced using the secondary reservoir bag.

Complete unit includes life-size torso with advanced detachable right arm, real chest port, chest tissue flap, three Difficult Accessing Inserts, 9.6 FPR tunneled central catheter, 5 FR dual PICC, IV catheter, recessed area for attachment of optional peripheral port, 'blood' reservoir bags, and user's information guide. The carrying case is not included. Measures 20-1/2" x 15-1/2" x 5-1/4". Six-month limited warranty.

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