Laerdal Junior Airways (25 Pack)

Part #: 183210
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Laerdal Junior Airways (25 Pack)
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The Laerdal Junior Airways are a set of disposable non-rebreathing airways with one-way valves. These valves need to be changed after each class for maximum instructor convenience and student safety. These airways are designed to enhance the training and simulation experience for medical professionals and educators by replicating the anatomy and characteristics of a child’s aiway to provide a realistic training experience. 

By providing hands-on experience to an array of techniques like intubation, ventilation, and suctioning, trainees can develop the necessary skills and confidence needed to handle critical emergency situation in patients. This pack is ideal for hospitals, medical schools, nursing programs, and any healthcare facility seeking to provide comprehensive training opportunities for students. 

Same manikin airway fits Resusci Junior and Little Junior. Package includes 25 airways.

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