Laerdal Resusci Anne QCPR Full Body w/Hard Case

Part #: 171-01250
High quality adult CPR manikin for QCPR training
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Laerdal Resusci Anne QCPR Full Body w/Hard Case
Laerdal Resusci Anne QCPR Full Body w/Hard Case
  • Laerdal Resusci Anne QCPR Full Body w/Hard Case

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Resusci Anne QCPR Full Body with Carry Bag by Laerdal Medical. High-quality adult CPR training. The feedback device allows students to sharpen and improve their CPR skills, with real-time indicators of CPR performance.
Realistic anatomy and landmarks give the Resusci Anne Full Body the features essential for learning actual patient handling and first aid skills on an adult subject. Quality construction allows for training exercises in various environments. The manikin can be fitted with a variety of limbs for more realism. Disposable airways and easily maintained faces keep things sanitary and cost-efficient.
Disposable non-rebreathing airways can be used by multiple students during class, and are easily changed after training. Removable/reusable faces allow for each student to have their own mouth-to-mouth face and can be easily cleaned after class.
Includes full-body manikin, 3 decorated faces, 2 airways, 2 compression springs (hard & soft), carry bag/mat, jacket & pants, USB cable 50 manikin wipes, user guide. SkillGuide and SimPad SkillReporter sold separately.
Shipping dimensions: 35.5 x 13 x 18 inches, 47 lbs.

Alternate Part Number(s): 31005501, 31004501, 171-01260

Subtotal: $0

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