3-D "AED" Wall Sign by Defibtech

Part #: DAC-230
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This item has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Please see the RespondER 3-D AED Wall Sign for a suitable replacement.

AED Wall Sign by Defibtech. V-shaped, projection-style sign measures 9.5" x 8" x 5" .12" thick vinyl, 3-D sign is visible from every direction. Use it to mark the location of your AED.

AED Signage
This sign was perfect and filled our needs/concerns. We had a flat AED wall sign above our wall mounted AED and I noticed one day that if there were and emergency with a person down and someone yelled "get the AED', you could not see where it was unless you were looking straight at it. This sign allows the unit to be viewed from down the hallway from both directions. Great addition to keeping our people safe.
Reviewed by:  James from Mooresville/NC on 6/5/2015

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