New Laerdal Resusci Anne & Resusci Baby with QCPR

The industry standard CPR manikin just got better! Laerdal Medical, makers of the Resusci Anne CPR Training Manikin, introduces the next level of CPR manikins with the Resusci Anne QCPR & Resusci Baby QCPR Training Manikins.

What’s QCPR? It is a new feature from Laerdal to enhance training in quality CPR with live feedback. Coupled with the newly redesigned SkillGuide or the new Sim SkillReporter, the instructor has the ability to track and record the student’s compression depth, release, and breaths. This allows for real-time corrections, or post-instruction debriefing.

There are also manikin options for CPR/AED training (compatible with AED Trainer 2 & AED Trainer 3), QCPR D (defibrillation capabilities), and an airway head for advanced training. Available in both the full-body and torso sizes, as well as an infant QCPR training manikin. You can even add a router for multiple manikin tracking.

Orders are now being accepted for the new Laerdal QCPR manikins. Call us today at 800-544-0048, and bring your training sessions to the next level!

One Response to “New Laerdal Resusci Anne & Resusci Baby with QCPR”

June 17, 2019 at 11:10 pm, Jean Barrientez said:

WONDERFUL Post.thanks for share..extra wait … Com SB


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