National Health Center Week August 9 – 15

  NHCW Patients

There are more than 100 million people in the USA who either have no health insurance or live in areas where access to doctors or even basic healthcare services is extremely limited. When there is an inability to obtain primary care or basic health services, the access to preventive measures becomes severely limited. This, in turn, helps to add to the high cost of health care in our nation.

This year America’s Health Centers are celebrating 50 years of success in delivering healthcare for those in need. For more than 30 years, the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) has been celebrating National Health Center Week to highlight programs they offer and to get the message out about the services they provide.

National Health Center Week is your chance to speak up for your local clinic, community center, homeless and public housing facilities, and healthcare providers. These facilities are often restricted by extremely limited budgets. Many rely on donations and contributions obtained by grants and fundraising events. Now is your chance to help by making a charitable donation of your time or money to a worthy recipient – your local healthcare provider.

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