AED Superstore Contributes to Little Hats, Big Hearts™ Program

Raising awareness of heart disease


Last December we blogged about a good cause which helps the American Heart Association raise awareness of heart disease and congenital heart defects in newborns. The “Little Hats, Big Hearts™” program was coordinated to run during February, which is American Heart Month.

This program started in Chicago in 2014 and has grown to include nearly 30 states. We at AED Superstore felt we could help by donating to a facility in our own little corner of the world. We were pleasantly surprised by the contributions made by members of our staff!

The hats pictured above were collected and donated to our local hospital’s Howard Young Birthing Center, where they will be put to good use. We offer our most gracious thanks and appreciation to those who participated for such a good cause!

We can’t help but wonder how many of you were also able to contribute to this wonderful program. Let us know by leaving a comment here and tell us your story, which we may feature in an upcoming article. Remember, we can all make a difference!

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