Month: February 2016
In recent years, much attention has been given to the upswing in people suffering from allergic reactions to various substances. At the forefront are allergies to foods like peanuts and other nuts, strawberries, shellfish, bee stings, and many more too numerous to mention here. With so many experiencing unintended reactions, like anaphylaxis, there is a definite need to be proactive with our response to these potentially life-threatening events. Many schools have taken the approach of keeping antiallergenics close at hand in the event of an allergic reaction by a student during school hours. To facilitate the storage and access of …
A new study by the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation, in collaboration with StrataVerve, reveals that although sudden cardiac arrest is the third leading cause of death in the U.S., it is not on the general public’s radar. Researchers call for development of a clear, uniform, consumer-friendly definition of sudden cardiac arrest, emphasizing its urgency and distinguishing it from heart attack. Consumers do not consider sudden cardiac arrest to be a major health concern, although it is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Once people understand the definition of sudden cardiac arrest, they are highly motivated to learn …
A Look at the Strangely-Intermingled Relationship between Heroin and other Opiate-induced Overdoses and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Heroin overdoses are on the rise all across the United States. This is due to recent governmental policies which restrict access to prescription opioid medications. While these recent initiatives have been implemented with great intentions for public safety, an unintended rebound effect of heroin flooding the streets of major cities all across the United States is currently in progress. With the prevalence of these increased numbers of overdoses coinciding with the media attention given by the recent New Hampshire primaries, the nation is becoming …
Here at AED Superstore, we are serious when it comes to matters of the heart. We are also huge fans of smiling, especially when there’s a good cause to smile for. February 5th is National Wear Red Day for Women, a day when you can show your support for women’s heart health by wearing something red. You don’t have to be a woman to get involved. By wearing something red you acknowledge and endorse the cause of heart health for your wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, neighbor, relative, and women everywhere. Heart disease is the number one cause of death …
Go to AED Superstore’s home page – what do you see? Today, there are fifteen different AEDs from six different manufacturers. All AEDs function in the same manner: turn the device on, follow the instructions to place the electrode pads on the patient, let the machine analyze the patient, and then deliver the shock, if needed. What could be more simple and why so many choices? What makes one AED different from another? This Product Focus blog series will help answer these questions. You want an AED for …