Month: February 2015

USA Football® and Physio-Control® have announced a multi-year partnership with Physio-Control as a sponsor of USA Football, their Heads Up Football®, and their U.S. National Team Program. Physio-Control plans to provide grants to make AEDs available to youth and high school football programs. Physio-Control will donate six USA Football Complete Solution Packages and 40 AED trainers to allow USA Football Master Trainers to demonstrate AEDs to league and school Player Safety Coaches. USA Football’s Heads Up Football program is a complete compilation of resources and medically approved protocols designed to change and advance player safety when it comes to sudden cardiac arrest, concussion …

We at AED Superstore take matters of the heart seriously, but we can also come out smiling for a good cause. February 6th is National Wear Red Day for Women when you can show your support for women’s heart health by wearing something red. You don’t have to be a woman to get involved. Wear red and acknowledge you endorse the cause of heart health for your mother, sister, daughter, wife, friend, neighbor, relative, and women everywhere. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in women, yet it is 80% preventable. Wear Red Day will help bring awareness …

Here we are in February. And what do we observe in February? Of course, it’s Black History Month, but did you know it is also National Bird-Feeding Month, National Grapefruit Month, and Canned Food Month? How about National Pet Dental Health Month? All good causes deserving of their own month. But what else do we observe this month? February is American Heart Month. No, not the Valentine heart, but the one beating right now inside each of us. We can’t think of anything more deserving of a month of its own. In conjunction with American Heart Month, the International Liaison …